Monday, December 13, 2010

" Food Carving, Arts and Design "

I used to see lots of different foods, drinks, vegetable dishes etc. and what I like the most is on how the people create and art and design in serving it. I have search different food carving, food design and food presentation throughout the internet and I want to share it with you :).
 I named this picture as the alien cookie that portrait a character in Toy Story (if I am not mistaken ) .
The cookie monsters. Look like a rabbit, a bear and whatsoever :)
Fruit and vegetable figurine design concept which is very nice, there are different variety of fruits and vegetable that have used like apple, orange,tomato, ginger etc.

The Monster Fish which is created by the used of a melon fruit. 
The Fruit Dog. It is made up of lemons,pineapple, cauliflower etc.
The guinea pig fruit. simple and funny :)

The Vegetable Pig. Same as the Guinea Pig Fruit they are simple and funny vegetable figures :)

The Funky Mouse. Among all the picture is this the the best for me. I enjoy looking at this picture :)
The Fruit Monkey
The Owl and the Penguin.
The Pacman inspired cookies. They are very artistic.
The last picture I have. The mouth watering watermelon. I was amaze and inspire to do food carving as I have seen this picture. Looks very realistic.

I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures on my post, make you smile, amaze and make you think a better caption of your own. Thanks :)

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